The pod block AFFILIATES
Join The pod block ’s Affiliates Program
Become a TPB Affiliate to earn money and selected rewards through selling our snus online. Are you going to be the #1 snus trapper in the UK? 👀

Earn up to 10% back from all the snus you trap for us through our website. Start selling! 💸
Are you eligible?
18+ Only
Affiliate members must be over 18 years of age.
UK residents
Affiliate members must be UK residents.
ready to earn
Members must be ready grow their account!
Why become an Affiliate?
Make money
Make money for yourself through selling snus through our affiliate scheme.
Be your own boss
Work for yourself with total flexibility and freedom.
Top UK snus community
Be part of what’s soon going to be the largest snus trapper community in the UK.
Early access to drops
Get to try snus flavours earlier than anyone else by getting early release to new drops!
Save money on snus
Exclusive access to discount codes so you’re able to save £ long term on your snus habits!
Join suggestion group
You'll be part of our exclusive access group to send us stock suggestions.
You can get started by clicking the Become an Affiliate button on this page.
You earn 10% CPA (cost per acquisition) on all sales made with you as an affiliate. In theory, you could make unlimited money! Our top seller record is £11K in one month.
Nope – it’s free to start!
The best way to advertise the snus is on social media. We recommend TikTok, Instagram, YouTube shorts and Facebook!
Remember to follow The Pod Blocks socials too 👀
What’s stopping you from joining?